Friday, September 16, 2011

Ron Artest No Longer Exists: Meet Mr. Metta World Peace

Your Black World reports

Friday is the day that Ron Artest of the Los Angeles Lakes will officially change his name to Metta World Peace.

"Metta is his official first name; which in the Buddhist tradition means loving-kindness and friendliness toward others and his last name is World Peace," his publicist said.

Artest is scheduled to appear in Los Angeles Superior Court at 11:30 am EST to make the change official.

"Ron Artest, (World Peace) has contemplated the name change for years and always knew that he wanted his last name to be World Peace but it took many years of research and soul searching to find a first name that was both personally meaningful and inspirational," his publicist said.

Apparently, Artest is excited about the idea of world peace and believes that having this on the back of his jersey might impact the planet.  He has been working to reform his image since a brawl in 2004 in which he went into the stands and attacked some of the fans.  But since that time, Artest has been nothing short of a model citizen.   He is even planning to appear on “Dancing with the Stars.”

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