Wednesday, September 21, 2011

fucjkin birocration prosses at indonesia


So many problem in this country which must each other have one many corrupt,murder,raper,and many
other problem who have connected with our birocration proccess or may be in indonesia we just call  K>K>N
this mean there are many procces of birocration involve money payment,for example if one of indonesia citizen want make some certificate at one foundation high school we must facing lot of person who want we pay them so that certifikate proccess will be finish if we give them smooth by one person in that institution always use us for their personal direction so if we not gift them money that certificate proccess will take long time.all of institution in indonesia have that rules so traggic off course.why?because that institution is owned by our government so as citizens of indonesia as we know that all their salary money from us.from all indonesian income.

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