Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Santorum the Crybaby

Rick Santorum has a plan for becoming President. He'd lead a pogrom against homosexuals. The flaming twinks would run off and Santorum would earn his street creds as a tough macho, macho man for taking on "Teh Gay."

How Rick Santorum sees himself.
It didn't work. The poofs fought back by simply successfully defining the word "santorum" as the foul by-product of anal sex. Poor Ricky tried to swallow too much fudge and it got stuck in his throat.

How the world sees Santorum.
Now Santorum is screeching like a girly-man with a broken fingernail about how homosexuals are being really, really mean to him.

The real Rick Santorum (candid photo).
There is a lesson there somewhere but, frankly, just thinking about Santorum makes me strangely queasy.

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